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Learn How to Price Your Rate Card

Slice's Rate Card Guide will make sure your influencer rate card is in line with the market rates. Never leave money on the table.
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Indonesian creator rate card guide
Indonesian creator rate card

Take the Guesswork Out of Your Rate Card

We've surveyed, polled, and interviewed hundreds of content creators.
We know the average rate cards from nanos all the way up to megas. See how your rate card stacks up. Are you charging the right amount?
Indonesian content creator
“Setelah slice ada fitur Rate Card sih jauh lebih mempermudah semuanya. Terutama ratecard, super gampang. Karna uda ada design nya jadinya tinggal isi aja, uda lengkap banget! Trus share deh ke client, cuma pake satu link aja. Tampilannya juga cakep tapi tetep keliatan rapi dan profesional. Sukaaa!!”
multiple creator symbol
500+ Creators
Our report data pulls from a sizeable pool of creators.
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All Tiers
We have relevant information for every type of content creator. No matter the size of your following.
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Every Format
Understand what to charge for different content formats.

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