Send Brands and Agencies Your Rate Card

Stop sending a PDF from Drive with your follower count from last year. Slice’s Rate Card gives you a customizable link to share with your latest follower count, audience demographics, personal links, and more.
Sign Up
illustration of sharing influencer rate card
content creator
“Slice Rate Card can make us look like we have a really cool social media portfolio! I've never done or understood shareable rate cards before, and I think it's super helpful for building future collaborations with brands. So far, I'm really satisfied with signing up on Slice. Hopefully, there will be more collaborations with Slice in the future!"
Easy to share influencer rate card

Share a Public Link with Your Latest Data

Slice Rate Card gives every creator a public link that automatically updates with your latest data. Stop sending an outdated PDF with information from a year ago. Give brands up to date follower counts, engagement rates, pricing, and more.

Customize Your Rate Card’s Design

Control what you share with brands and agencies. Slice Rate Card can be personalized based on color, order of information, and links. Pin top performing content so brands can see your best work. Easily drag and drop how you’d like the information to be presented to brands and agencies.
analytics in Slice Rate Card
influencer rate card display

Personalize Your Rate Card URL

When you share your Rate Card with brands and agencies, Slice enables you to customize your username and URL like any social media profile. Instead of sending a random URL, you can set it based on your personal preference.

Dynamic Audience Information

Your Rate Card connects to your social media accounts. Your follower count, performance data, and audience demographics will automatically update, making it easier for brands to work with you.
Audience demographic info inside Slice Rate Card
Content Creator creating content

Start Sharing Your Professional Rate Card!

Sign up for Slice and start taking the next steps in your creator career.

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